...read all about it !!
Today we are the last stop on the virtual book tour for
D'Ann Lindun's
Shot Through the Heart
Hi D'Ann and welcome :) Can you tell us a little about yourself?
live in SW Colorado with my husband and daughter. I just passed my 29 wedding
anniversary! We have 12 horses, several of which my daughter and have rescued.
If we hadn’t saved them, they would have gone to slaughter. We also have 6 dogs, 7 cats and 8 ducks! This
winter, we will pasture cattle here on the cornfields. I’m passionate about
standing against animal abuse of any kind.
What or who initially inspired you to become a
Margot Early! My BFF Kim and I took a class
from her 20 years ago. I fell in love with writing, and it’s become a major
portion of my life.
What kind of research do you do for a novel and
how extensive do you get?
Honestly, I write about what I know—the west,
cowboys, lawmen, horses. If I have to do a lot of research, it kind of kills it
for me. I loathe research.
Do you have a special place you like to do your
writing? Such as an office, a spare room, the dining room table, your couch?
As a reader, what types of works do you like to
read and do you think they influence the genre/genres you write in?
I like
Romantic Suspense. No, not really. I write different than anyone I’ve ever
discovered as of yet.
What is your favorite method of writing...as in
laptop, desktop, Ipad or the old fashioned pencil and paper?? And do you plot out your story or go with the
flow of your muse?
I work on a PC, no laptop. I’m a pantser all
the way! Like research, plotting ruins it for me.
When you need a break or some time off from the
trials of being a writer, what can you be found doing?
riding with my daughter. My husband doesn’t ride much anymore—too busy—so my
daughter and I take the dogs and go to the mountains. We like to roast hot
dogs, take pictures. If we have enough time, we have a nap! LOL I like to putter with my flowers, too.
Is there anything about yourself nobody knows
that you would like to share with our readers??
Can’t think of anything! I’m an open book!
For fun, I have a few personal questions,
Your favorite 5
Favorite dessert –cheesecake with strawberries!
Favorite Season –summer!
Favorite sad song- hmmm, I listen to old country, so anything on the radio!
Favorite Romantic movie – Not really a fan of these kind of movies!
And a bonus, what is your ideal romantic
A pack trip into the mountains with lots of time to take pics or nap
while the hubby fishes!
Where can our readers find you?? (all that apply and more)
Email: dldauthor@frontier.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DLindunAuthor
Website/blog: http://dlindunauthor.blogspot.com/
Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/DAnn-Lindun/e/B008DKL9TU
Is there an upcoming or current release you would
like to share with us today and where can we find it?
Shot Through the Heart

When Laramie Porter’s sister-in-law Julie is beaten so badly by her husband she miscarries her baby, Laramie takes her home from the hospital. But just a few minutes after the women arrive home, Julie’s husband, who also happens to be a drug addict and the local police sheriff, shows up at the house on a murderous rampage.
He kills Julie and attempts to murder Laramie. When he doesn’t succeed, he hauls them into the mountains and throws them off a cliff. Julie’s body lands in a pond, but Laramie hits a ledge, where she perches, terrified.
Derrick Garrison is in the mountains moving his cattle when his dog finds Julie’s body in the pond. Creeped out, Derrick at first doesn’t believe his ears when he hears a girl crying for help. But he finds Laramie and pulls her to safety. Before she can tell him anything, a lightning strike starts a forest fire and they flee to a hidden valley.
Fleeing a drug hazed killer, the fire, and a gun-toting old lady bent on collecting a reward, Laramie and Derrick do their best to evade all three . . . and fall in love along the way.
D'Ann, thanks so much for being with us today and Shot Through the Heart sounds great !!!
Readers, make sure you get your copy today !
Until next time, happy reading!
Thank you for hosting this tour!