Today we have the fantabulous JoAnne Kenrick....

Do real life events find their way
into your stories?
often I find a lot of myself and my life makes it in my stories without me
realizing I've done that. I do believe there is a lot of truth behind the
saying that writing is great therapy and allows one to work through their
feelings about stuff they didn't even realize bothered them.
Do you ever mimic family members or
people you know when you choose characters?
Never. My characters grow organically…and usually have a little slice of JoAnne
in them.
Do you find yourself going back to
the same inspiration for each story or is it always something different?
comes from the most unusual places. The Irish Kisses series, for instance grew
from a short story I was going to write and turned into an Irish Pub book after
watching In Burges while an invite to write the for 1NS series came in. Tales
from the Coffin series, however, smashed into me while listening to a certain
song. It was like a light bulb moment.
When do you write? Early morning? During the day sometime or all
day? After the kids go to bed?
I'll get breakfast and the morning cup of Joe (always decaff), and once the
kids have left for school and the husband is at work, I'll run around and clean
up the morning mess and throw in a load of laundry. I then hit twitter and
Facebook before writing until two-ish. Then the rest of my mummy duties are
fulfilled. Quite often, I'll research and write up notes during the evening.
How do you feel about marketing
your book?
apart of being an author. And although I can get grouchy because blog posts and
trying to organize advertisements and book trailers take away from my writing
time, I do enjoy the reader/writer
interaction doing my own promo allows.
What social sites do you feel work
best for marketing?
answer will be different for each author. Which ever the author feels most
comfortable in, is the one that will work best for them. For me, it's Twitter
and Facebook.
Do you like to pitch stories to
your publisher or do you wait until you have written the story and have a final
manuscript to turn in?
I write and submit the final manuscript, but Sweet Irish Kiss was presented as
a pitch to the 1NS series editors before it was written.
Do you always/ever see yourself as
the heroine/hero when you write a story?
But somehow a piece of me always end up embedded into my characters. I think
most authors weave pieces of themselves in each of their characters.
Just for fun, I have a few personal
Favorite 5
1) Favorite
Male Actor - David Duchovny
2) Favorite
vehicle - I'd love a black Impala…so I
can pretend to be as cool as the Supernatural boys!3) Favorite way to relax - Meditation, reading, long hot bath
4) Favorite ice cream - Chunky Monkey
5) Favorite
outfit - jeans and t-shirt or Boho type dress
And for a bonus: If you could pick any place in the world to
live, besides where you are now, where would it be? (Of course, without the hindrance of jobs or
money needed)
I'd go
back to Australia in a shot, if money was not an issue and we didn't need to
worry about finding work etc.. Cronulla,
NSW. Right by the beach.
Where can our readers find
Amazon author page:
Is there an upcoming or current
release you would like to share with us today and where can we find it?
from the Coffin book four releases late October 2012 - Treacle and treason -- a
Guy Fawkes special
Kisses book three releases early winter 2012 - Threesome Sweetness
Kisses book four releases late November 2012 - Hot Winter Kiss -- a christmas
Kinney is focused on his Irish Rock band, Shamrocked. Between that and tending
bar at Bell's Irish Pub, he's rushed off his feet. Still, he's envious of Shaun
who found his perfect woman through Madame Eve's exclusive agency, 1Night
for time, he follows his friend's lead and hopes to be matched with a woman
ballsy enough to share in his fetish for things that go buzzzz.
the event of the year for soap stars, Elizabeth Grant meets Devlin and mistakes
him for her soon-to-be co-star on The East End. Before she has a chance to
confess she's not his 1Night Stand as he seems to think, the silver-tongued
smooth dancer proves irresistible. He seems perfect...for one night of
pleasure. She's ready to play the role of her life!
his Irish charm and toys be enough to hold onto his leading lady, or will his
heart be shamrocked into next week?
Surrounded by bridesmaids—the hottest guy in the place. His
thick Irish brogue carried over the chattering wedding crowd and bad party
Swallowing any signs of stage fright, she checked her fake
hair in a mirrored wall, plumped her boobs, and plastered on a smile before
making a beeline for her drop-dead gorgeous, future co-star.
She waded through the rough sea of pink-chiffoned up women, snapped
out her arm, and took his hand like one of those shaking weight things. Thought
she’d blown it until his mouth tilted up into a tempting smile. Dimples. Oh,
my. He would be popular with the ladies. Might even help get her noticed by
movie producers. Dating this hottie would get her on every front page known to
the British public.
“Liz.” She fought to keep focused on his face rather than
his thick muscles and rhythmic movements. She couldn’t recall ever seeing a man
who could make dancing to All Night Long by Lionel Ritchie so goddamned sexy.
His jig was infectious—her arm swayed in beat with his, their hands still
clasped together.
“As in Elizabeth?”
“Uh-huh.” The swarm of bridesmaids knitted their brows and
pursed their lips. One even stamped her foot. Liz couldn’t help but turning on
a sweet smile. “Buh-bye, ladies.”
in most major e-book stores, including but not limited to, these:
crossed oceans of time to find you" Bram Stoker's Dracula
is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir; We must rise and follow
her; When from every hill of flame, She calls and calls each vagabond by
name" William Bliss - Carman.