Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cover/Blurb Reveal: The Lock by KT Grant @Katiebabs

The Lock
Book 3, Dark Paths Series
KT Grant
Erotic Romance, 105,000k

The dark path continues for Erika and Max as secrets unfold and threaten to destroy all they hold dear…

Erika Walsh’s every dream has come true. She’s received both critical and public acclaim for her best-selling erotic romance, and has chosen the magnetic millionaire and BDSM club owner Maxwell Crawford as the keeper of her heart. Although, her former crush Chris Milton still refuses to accept her decision. As she plans her wedding to Max, she’s confronted with his past and the many secrets he’s kept under lock and key –for good reason.

When Max’s older brother, Daniel, a big Hollywood producer falls ill, Erika and Max rush to Los Angeles to help him recover. Max is shocked to find Daniel has become the victim of a blackmailer who seeks revenge against the brothers. Max must confront the loathsome Abraham Rovner, a former classmate from high school, who has never forgiven him for breaking off their relationship.

Abraham brings out Max’s lurking deviant nature, which sends him to a dark place in his mind. Erika must find the strength to help her lover purge his demons, even though it may come at a major cost for them both.

Releasing December 14th, 2015!!

You may also want the first two books in this series !!

Book 1  -  The Gate
A chance encounter between a successful author and a billionaire owner of an underground BDSM club, leads to the most pivotal relationship of their lives…

Erika Walsh has carried a torch for Christopher Milton, heir to her father’s publishing empire for years. After one steamy make out session she begins to wonder if it might develop into something more. But when M. L. Crawford, better known as Max, her father’s publishing rival, seeks her out at a society event, she’s drawn to his magnetic charisma and powerful demeanor. Their verbal bantering and innuendo laced overtones stir feelings she never knew existed, and soon Erika is consumed with knowing the real man under Max’s restrained public façade.

Erika’s sweet nature and naivety excites Max to near madness. He wants to train her in the art of seduction and make her succumb to his every wish and command…as his perfect submissive. Yet, Christopher is determined to keep Erika from becoming the latest victim of Max’s sinister sexual hungers. He knows all too well what Max hides in his black soul and will stop at nothing to reveal all of Max’s secrets in order to protect the one thing he holds dear above all else- Erika.

Max’s dark desires scare yet arouse Erika, as he opens her eyes to a new bold world full of passion and ecstasy she never imagined until him. But the biggest question remains: Is Erika’s craving for Max just an illusion that transpires behind the walls of The Gate?
Available now…  Amazon

Book 2  -  The Key
The seductive world of The Gate continues with The Key...

Erika has reinvented herself as an author of erotic romance under the pseudonym, Lily Fredericks. After her eight month sabbatical in New Orleans, she’s returning to Manhattan to promote her new book. Chris is handling her book tour and wants Erika to give him another chance. She’s forgiven Chris, but Max is always in her thoughts. Sick of waiting for Erika to come to her senses, Max takes matters into his own hands. He’ll go to New Orleans to claim her before it’s too late.

With Erika back in Manhattan, both Chris and Max try to seduce her in the hopes she’ll choose one of them. As both men battle for her heart, a woman from Max’s past reappears, bent on revenge. Chris will ruin Max anyway he can in order to make Erika his own. However, Max has something up his sleeve to insure he’s the victor, but not without a price—Erika’s soul.

Can Erika choose between a man who seeks to possess and a man who can’t live without her?
Available now… Amazon

About the Author:
KT Grant is a self-proclaimed eccentric redhead who not only loves to read a wide variety of romances, but also loves writing it. Under her alter-ego, she is a well-known book blogger who doesn’t shy away from voicing her opinion. A proud native of New Jersey, KT is multi-published and writes Gay, Lesbian and Straight romance. KT has been a top ten best-selling author at Amazon, as well as being a multiple All Romance Ebooks best seller and a Night Owl Reviews Top Author Pick. KT is also’s Romance Novel Expert and Columnist.

KT loves to hear from readers. You can drop KT an email at

You can also find KT at these fun places:
Blog: Babbling About Books, and More!
Twitter: @Katiebabs

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Discovering Young Adult Books with Bridie Blake and A Distant Voice


    Discovering Young Adult Books, 
a Guest Post by Bridie Blake

I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. Hours of my childhood were spent with a book in hand, devouring stories like The Babysitters Club and The Magic Faraway Tree series. I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to be reading all the time. And when I wasn’t reading I wrote my own stories and plays. I was obsessed with the written word.
Reading went to a new level for me when I was introduced to YA books. My older sister was reading Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta and one night she wanted to read it aloud. This was back in the day when I shared a room with my three sisters so even if I hadn’t wanted to listen I had nowhere else to go, and looking back now I’m glad I didn’t. I was in primary school at the time, and felt very grownup reading from a book aimed at teenagers. I was hooked from the first word and from that point it was all about YA for me.
One of the key relationships in A Distant Voice is between sisters, Violet and Rose. There are scenes where I had Violet read aloud to Rose while they’re just hanging out in their room and I really wanted to include those as a small tribute to my sister. I doubt she even remembers reading Looking For Alibrandi to me, but it’s one of those moments from my childhood that stuck. And Melina Marchetta is now one of my favourite authors.
Having two older sisters it was easy for me to get my hands on YA books and I quickly devoured them. I fell in love with stories like Just As Long As We’re Together by Judy Blume, You Take The High Road by Mary K. Pershall and Tomorrow, When The War Began by John Marsden.
Reading YA was a different experience. It was the first time I truly felt drawn to the characters and worlds on the pages. I not only wanted to read these stories, I wanted to belong to them.
They took me through every emotion possible. I laughed out loud, and sobbed until I had no tears left. I was on the edge of my seat, anxious to find out what happened next, but also wanting to savour every word.
I thought I’d move on from YA books when I reached adulthood, but I didn’t. In fact, I think my obsession only increased. Especially when I discovered a new genre of YA. Fantasy. I read every book in Tamora Pierce’s Tortall series, I waited eagerly for each book in Callie Kanno’s The Threshold Trilogy, and am dying with anticipation for the next book in Morgan Rhodes‘ Falling Kingdoms series.
It’s safe to say that not only is YA never disappearing from my reading list, but it’ll forever be on my writing list too. I love writing the genre. I love trying to create a story that will hopefully have the same impact on someone out there that other YA books had on me.
My name is Bridie Blake, I’m thirty-two years old and I love YA. 

 *    *    *    *    *
A Distant Voice
Bridie Blake
Evernight Teen
Contemporary Young Adult
72,000 words

In life you don’t find your voice. It finds you. 

Violet Hayes knows how to survive the year living with her grandmother in the small town of Wandorah, Tennessee. 

• Make Rose happy 
• Don’t sing or play guitar 
• Avoid Sally Shaw 
• Ignore Carter Jenkins 

It seems simple enough, right? Wrong. 

• How do you keep a depressed sister happy? 
• How do you deny yourself your dream? 
• How do you avoid a friendship? 
• And how do you ignore a boy when he’s everywhere you turn? 

Violet’s to-do list just became a whole lot harder. 
14+ due to adult situations

Buy Links:       Evernight Teen    Amazon   ARe    Bookstrand
Add A Distant Voice to your Goodreads page HERE

Follow along with the tour here

book trailer:

He smiled and reached out to pull the guitar toward him. He strummed his fingers over the strings and played a few chords before glancing over at me proudly.


He offered me the guitar. “Your turn.”

“And what makes you think I can play?”

“Your bloodlines.”

I snorted out a laugh and clapped my hand over my mouth in horror.
“Play away,” he said, ignoring my snort, and pushed the guitar into my hands.

I stared down at it with my mouth hanging open. The way my heart raced you’d think he’d pulled the pin on a grenade and handed it to me. Relax Violet. It’s an instrument. It can’t hurt you. Unless I tripped over it and broke my neck. And that could happen. Probably not entirely realistic while I’m holding it, but if I dropped it and then got up and tripped, it … oh dear god, what is wrong with me?

His mom called out his name and he gave me an apologetic shrug. “I’ll be right back.”

He left the room and I remained where I was, the guitar still burning my hands. It had been months since I’d played. Months since I’d felt that wave of joy I got whenever my fingers ran over the strings.

A yearning, so strong it sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, washed over me and my fingers moved. They ran over the strings, playing whatever came to mind. I closed my eyes and let myself be swallowed up by it all. I allowed myself to forget and be something else. Someone else.

I didn’t know how long I stayed like that but a shuffle behind me forced me back to reality. I opened my eyes and twisted around. Carter stood in the doorway, a look of wonder on his face and it made me squirm. I dropped my hands, rested the guitar on his bed, and scrambled to my feet. “I should go.”

He moved toward me slowly, as though scared a sudden movement would startle me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I mumbled and folded my arms across my chest, tucking my hands into my armpits where they’d be safe and wouldn’t stray towards anymore strings.

His brow creased and I saw him trying to work out what had happened but I didn’t want to talk about it. I tried to duck out of his room before he asked me anything. He gripped my arm, stopping my quick exit. “It’s okay,” he said. “You’re allowed to enjoy things. You’re not betraying your sister by having fun or doing the things you want to do.” His voice, filled with sincerity and kindness, caused a lump to take up residence in my throat.

His hand ran along my arm and towards my hidden hand. He tugged on it until he freed it and he squeezed my fingers gently. I shook my head because he’s right, but he’s wrong at the same time. It was guilt over Rose that stopped me doing things but when it came to music, there was so much more to it.

Music destroyed Gran’s life. It ruined Mom’s childhood. I couldn’t love something like that because if I did, I’d open myself up to the same hurt. And I’m not anywhere near as strong as Gran. It would destroy me. It would be my trigger.

I wanted to tell him that. I wanted him to understand. But the words wouldn’t come out of me.

Author Bio:
Bridie lives, daydreams and writes in Melbourne, Australia. She’s happiest at her computer, coffee in hand, Tim Tams on standby and her furry companion Poppy at her feet. When not writing she’s usually found with a book in her hand or playing with her tribe of nieces and nephews.

Discover more about her at, or @BridieBlake on Twitter!

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