Today we have a great author here to tell us all about herself and to promote her newest release. Please help me welcome...
S.J. McMillan
Hi S.J., so glad you could visit with us today. Could you tell us a little about yourself?
I live in Southwest Missouri with my super supportive husband and my
three fun loving kids. I love to laugh and have a good time. I used to be shy,
but thanks to my husband, I’m quite a chatterbox now. Being with someone for
fourteen years tends to make your personalities rub off on each other. As much
as I like to kick back and enjoy things, I also know there are times when I
need to kick my butt into gear and get things done.
What or who initially inspired you to become a writer?
The urge to write started in high school. I
started writing poetry. I loved doing it. Once my creative juices got to
flowing there was no stopping me. Reading spawned the urge to try writing a
book. An idea came to me and the rest just fell into place.
What kind of research do you do for a novel and how extensive do you
Do you have a special place you like to do your writing? Such as an
office, a spare room, the dining room table, your couch?
It would be nice to have a little home office
where I could sit down in front of the computer, turn on my music, and block
out the other noises in order to devote my full attention to my writing. It’s a
wonderful dream. Maybe one day it will come true, but for now I write wherever
I can. I write at my full time job, with the boss’ permission, of course. I
have also spent my writing time at the dining room table, my couch, my bed, my
floor, and my car.
As a reader, what types of works do you like to read and do you think
they influence the genre/genres you write in?
I love romances. Historical, contemporary,
paranormal, you name it, I read it. I also like to read YA horror novels, like
the Fear Street series by R.L. Stine. Adult horror is too scary for me. I end
up with nightmares, which is not cool. These genres do influence my writing to
a certain extent. I write urban fantasy so I try to blend the genres together.
I can put a bit of romance into the story without have to write a full on
steamy love scene. I can also put in just enough gore to make you cringe, but
not puke.
What is your favorite method of in laptop, desktop, Ipad
or the old fashioned pencil and paper??
And do you plot out your story or go with the flow of your muse?
When I first started writing, a little over
ten years ago, I used a typewriter. Unfortunately for me, it broke, and with no
extra money lying around to buy a computer, I used the good ole paper and pen
method. My how the times have changed though, I can proudly announce that not
only do I own one computer, but two. I also have two computers at my day job as
well. Now if only there were two of me…the possibilities would be endless. To
plot out my story I go back to the paper and pen, but once I get to typing the
muse takes over. I usually have to go back and revise my outline.
When you need a break or some time off from the trials of being a
writer, what can you be found doing?
There is quite an array of things I would
like to do when I need a break from writing. Such as play with my kids, talk to
my hubby, watch TV or a movie, listen to music, or read. What I actually end up
doing is cleaning. I make it fun though. I put on my MP3 player, jam to my
music that no one else in my family likes, sing along with it, and show off my
terrible dance moves in the process. Yes, I am a nerd, and am proud to say as
Is there anything about yourself nobody knows that you would like to
share with our readers??
I actually wanted to be an FBI agent when I
was a junior in high school. I can’t remember what changed my mind, but I’m
glad I didn’t follow through with it.
For fun, I have a few personal questions,
1) Favorite color – Purple, simply because my daughter thinks I look really pretty in the color.
2) Favorite dessert – Midnight Truffle Blizzard from Dairy Queen
3) Favorite Season – Autumn, because temperatures start to cool and the colors of the leaves are just down right gorgeous.
4) Favorite sad song- Falling by The Civil Wars
5) Favorite Romantic movie – Phantom of the Opera, it is the perfect combination of romance and music.
And a bonus, what is your ideal romantic vacation??
This is going to
sound really sappy, but as long as my husband is with me, anywhere would be
fine with me. We can have a good time together no matter if we are in Aruba
(which we have been to), or sitting at home on the couch.
I’m everywhere, no seriously…readers can find
me on Facebook at, and on Twitter at I also have a website they can check out at And I have a blog where I write about the misadventures of my family at

I would absolutely love to share my debut
novel, City of the Gods: The Descendant with you.
It can be found on Amazon, Barnes &, and the Ruby Lioness Press website.
700A.D. Teotihuacán, Mexico – The High Priest believed
himself to be as powerful as the gods. He set a plague on the city as a
demonstration of his power. The Gods took pity on the remaining loyal
congregation. They granted each survivor immortality and an extraordinary
ability. Three loyal survivors were given a mission of great importance: train
the lone human descendant of their civilization to stop the evil priest from
damning the rest of humanity.
2012 A.D. San Diego, California – The time has come to
finally make Katalina Deckard aware of her destiny. Her life has been a
constant struggle since the loss of her parents when she was young. But has it
prepared her to save the world? Can her friends, who have survived so long,
convince her she has what it takes to accept the mantle of Redeemer?