
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jennifer Anderson with Small Town Charm, Love and Mystery + #giveaway

Please welcome our guest Jennifer Anderson !!!

Confessed Lover of Love by Jennifer Anderson

I’m a sucker for a romance and I have to have a HEA. I tend to read a lot of YA (totally disappointed with the Divergent ending) and NA (rock star stories are my fave!). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t escape to a romance read to live vicariously. My husband and I have been happily married for almost 15 years, 3 kids and we’re high school sweethearts. We’re good.
I love romance because, and this is going to sound sappy, I love, love. Movies, TV shows or books. I’m an equal opportunity lover! I can be channel surfing, see a couple kissing or share a longing look and stop. And don’t even get me started with Hallmark Channel or ABC Family.
And with any good love story, I think there is always an element of mystery. Even if we know there is a HEA, the how and why are the best part. You knew Edward and Bella were going to end up together but the dips, turns and OMG scenes, or chapters, made the journey the best part.

That is why I think Small Town Charm, Love & Mystery fit so well together. Each story holds an element of mystery. Surprise. Intrigue. Even murder. And what’s better than plopping those characters in Small Town USA, where knitting circles cluck about the latest gossip, most likely the main characters and high school friends try to find love among the city limit signs.
In Ice Princess, Mya Newman starts her senior year hoping for some excitement in the quiet town. What she gets, she’s not prepared to handle. Her father dies and her best friend falls for the new girl. Little does she know that she loves her best friend, Michael, too. What’s a girl to do to catch the eye of her BFF when he’s into another girl?

Here’s an excerpt from Ice Princess...
“Okay. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A farmer and a pig….”
“Stop,” I yelled without looking up.
“I already told you that one?”
“No, but any joke starting with a farmer and pig can’t be good.” I rolled over on the large towel we’d spread across the sand. It was the last day of summer vacation, and Michael and I agreed to spend the day together doing nothing but enjoying the sun. Living in Ohio, we weren’t sure how many more days we had left. Soon the leaves would fall showing off snow-covered cornfields.
“Can you toss me a Dr. Pepper?”
“Sure.” Without looking, I reached into the small red Igloo cooler we brought and produced a cold dripping can. I knew it was for him since I preferred bottled water to soda. Not Michael. The kid lived on caffeine and sugar. Which made the lack of fat on his body hard to explain. Not that I’d ever noticed. Michael Graves was my best friend. And nothing more.
“So, you ready for tomorrow?”
“Sure, I guess,” I answered. “How’s it any different than the last three years at Fayette County High? Really, we’ve known the same people and gone to school with them for the past twelve years. We all know who we’re gonna eat lunch with or who we’re gonna sit with at opening assembly. Boring.” I wasn’t a pessimist or a Debbie Downer, but Honey Creek needed some excitement and I didn’t think our senior year would prove to be any different unless something unusual happened.
“Ok. So why don’t we spice it up a bit.”
“Like what?”
“Let’s start a nasty rumor or sit at a different table at lunch.”
“Ooh, Michael, you’re so scandalous! Have I been rubbing off on you?”
“Hardly. I think the most daring thing you’ve ever done was streak across my yard when we were five because you’d heard wearing your bathing suit gave you tan lines. Even though you had no idea what tan lines were, I might add,” he said with a smirk. The afternoon sun danced across his blonde moppy hair, intensifying his golden highlights. He sat next to me in a short beach chair staring out at the water. Everyone we knew was out enjoying the last weekend of August. All of the rental cottages were empty from the few Honey Creek vacationers that came to visit the lake. It was a manmade watering hole, but that didn’t take away from the fun had there. Boats skidded across the water pulling skiers or tubers in their wake. The sand was dressed with towels and blankets full of half-clothed bodies soaking up the sun like Michael and me.
“So word around town is there’s a new kid coming to school.”

4 Star LASR Review: Great Read!
It is a wonderfully emotional short story with just the right balance of sweetness and sadness. I recommend it to anyone who relishes a charming story of love and friendship.”

"The emotional scenes in the hospital and day of funeral are great - I know I cried when I reviewed initially, and I cried again in both read throughs this week - I'm such a sap :-)" -Wendy on GoodReads

Mya Newman never minded the routine or quiet that came with living in Honey Creek, Ohio. For her senior year, she craves something exciting to happen instead of it melting into a cookie cutter routine like the previous years.

When a new girl, Audrey Moore, moves to town, Mya finds herself caught in a triangle. She discovers hidden feelings for her best friend, Michael Graves, but he seems to have eyes for the new girl.

After Mya's father becomes ill and eventually passes, she turns to her best friend, Michael. He never leaves her side, but she wonders if he'd rather be elsewhere. With fear of rejection and loss of friendship, Mya decides she can't confess her recently discovered feelings.

When Michael and Mya share a dance at the Winter Formal, does she open her heart to him? Or does she shy away, forever longing to be the princess who finds her prince?

Thank you for having me *wink wink*. Small Town Charm, Love & Mystery is available wherever e-books are sold.

About Jennifer Anderson:

I'm a Mommy, wife and now author. Even though I've spent many years on either coast, I've spent a majority of my life in the Midwest. Here is where my heart grows with the love and support of my family and friends and here is where I find inspiration for my stories.
I'm also excited to announce Spider, my first non-series YA novel will also release in 2013. My Brother's Wedding, a contemporary romance, releases in e-book only in August 2013. Stay tuned for more news.
My complete list of releases:
Ice Princess, Honey Creek Royalty Book 1
Prince Charming, Honey Creek Royalty Book 2
Queen Mean, Honey Creek Royalty Book 3
King of the Lake, Honey Creek Royalty Book 4
Spider, May 2013
My Brother's Wedding, August 2013
Print edition of Books 1-3 from Honey Creek Royalty Series are now available!
You can visit me at and  
Twitter: @JenniA8677


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for including me! Romance, passion and all that is involved are my favorite subjects!

  2. Sweet post, Jennifer. It's fun having a story in this boxed set with you and the other talented authors.
